Monday 22 November 2010

About me

 I'm Meg, a 17 year old student, who has fallen in love with food and cookery and would quite happily spend an entire day in the kitchen, if only time would permit!

The Armstrong clan earlier this year!
Since a young girl my life has always revolved around food; initially inspired by my father's 'creative cooking' i was always loitering around the kitchen concocting creations of my own, and trying desperately to re-create his most prized recipes. My mother, being the head baker in the family, threw all of her art school wisdom into designing not only the most scrumptious cakes and pies but the most elegant and simply beautiful. I had a lot to live up to!

Being so tied up with school i rarely had the desired time to cook, so resorted to the odd family dinner or birthday cake, in between homework, coursework, sports practice, piano practice, college, driving lessons, etc etc...And it wasn't until i became seriously ill and had to pull out of college that i began to really consider working with food as a career path.

Alas, Meg Armstrong: the future Nobel prize winner in Quantum Physics was not to be! Rather than re-entering my A-Levels next year, i now plan to train as a chef, and have never been more excited. It's a far stretch from the likes of studying Physics at Cambridge University, but why should't we all be doing something we love in life? local piece of heaven
When i'm not in the kitchen you're pretty much guaranteed to find me with a surfboard in hand down on one of the many beautiful beaches Cornwall has to offer. As a family we tend to re-locate a lot (Florida, California, Somerset..) but Cornwall has always felt like home to me. The fresh sea air and glorious countryside never fail to lighten my mood.

I'll add all my 'experiments' and some of my favourite recipes as i continue to learn and improve! I hope you enjoy reading my blog and please feel free to contact me!

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