Sunday 5 December 2010

Chunky chocolate ice-cream

Although ice-cream is notoriously difficult to make, don't let that put you off because i am convinced that i've found the easiest recipe to follow, and tastes so good it will give (dare i say it) Ben and Jerry's a run for their money!

250ml full-fat milk
250ml double cream
175g caster sugar
300g dark chocolate
4 egg yolks
150ml water
Gently heat the milk, cream and 25g of the sugar in a saucepan, but don't allow it to boil. Then pour the hot liquid over 200g of the chocolate and stir until all the chocolate has melted. Set aside to cool.
Whisk the egg yolks to thicken them slightly. Heat the water and add the remaining sugar. Stir until all the sugar has dissolved, then add the syrup to the egg yolks and whisk on high for around 5 minutes, until it becomes thick and pale (will double in size).
Add the chocolate mixture to the egg mixture and stir, taking care to make sure they are fully mixed together. Once the mixture has completely cooled down, add the remaining chocolate broken into small chunks. Adding the chunks when the mixture is warm will melt the chocolate leaving the ice-cream chunk free!
Pour into a container and refrigerate for 2 hours. Stir it around and then place it in the freezer for at least 4 hours. If small ice crystals form, take it out and stir the mixture again after 2 hours in the freezer.

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